Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Starting down the Road Toward the Office of the Future - Topic for November 29, 2016

We hear many stories about how we will perform work in the future. Most of those stories highlight technological improvements to demonstrate how our daily work day will change. If you are interested in getting a glimpse of the future office, make plans to join us Tuesday, November 29, 2016 when Ralph Cacioppo, IT manager at Family Resource Center discusses Office 365 and Sharepoint, two products ready to use now and then.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Electronic Storage: Ghostly or Ghastly? - Topic for October 25, 2016

As Halloween approaches, you might be tempted to consider making ghosts of all the various forms of paper cluttering your office, and filling up storage boxes, bins, and closets. To determine whether Electronic Storage is right for you, make plans to join us October 25, 2016 when we will discuss the various costs vs. benefits of Electronic Storage systems and processes. This meeting will feature general discussion about the topic to be followed by a presentation from an expert at the meeting November 29.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Annual Hot Topics Roundtable - Topic for September 27, 2016

Get ready to kick of the 2016-2017 nfpFMA year by joining our annual roundtable discussion of hot topics challenging our work as non-profit financial managers. Whether your challenges relate to IRS 990 or other governmental regulations such as the ACA, UBIT, or donor acknowledgment, FASB changes and Audit matters like selecting new auditors and whether or not to form an audit committee, best fit for accounting software programs, insurance coverage and policies, cyber security, or the vast number of other issues facing us in our day to day work, then make plans to join us as we discuss what keeps you up at night. From our discussion, the topics for the four pairs of meetings (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer) will be set.

If you are a dues paying member (/$100 per year), lunch is provided free with an advance reservation. If you are not a member, lunch is available for $15 with an advance reservation. Checks for dues or for lunch should be made out to NFPFMA and can be brought to the meeting.

If you plan to attend, then please reply to the Outlook meeting invite or send an email to nancy.rudolph"at" by noon, September 26, 2016. If your schedule frees up and you did not RSVP, please come anyway - we just can't guarantee you a lunch.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Fair Labor Standards Act Regulation for 2016 - Topic for June 28, 2016

On December 1, 2016 the threshold salary for overtime exemption will rise to $47,476 per year. To prepare your nfp for possible changes in employee salary/hourly status, and to learn about non profits exempt from this new law, make plans to join us Tuesday, June 28, 2016 when Bethany Holliday, PHR, SHRM-CP, Director of The Cornerstone Group's TotalHR, will present the basics of the ruling, how you can prepare for the change, and whether your non profit is exempt from the ruling.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

FASB's Fickled Finger of Change Roundtable - Topic for May 24, 2016

Never fully satisfied, FASB, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, is working diligently to implement significant changes that will affect all non profits.
From mandating that all leases be accounted for as capital lease expenditures to re-designing the financial statements to better reflect cash flow, there will be much to discuss at the meeting Tuesday, May 24, 2016. The meeting will be a roundtable discussion of the changes FASB plans to roll out in the near future. From that discussion, a central topic will emerge to be addressed by an expert speaker in June.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Assessing your nfp's Risks - Topic for April 26, 2016

Nothing adversely affects the health non-profits more than bad publicity. Whether it's caused by employee theft, poor management, data breaches, an IRS or grant audit, or a multitude of other reasons, every non-profit wants to avoid bad publicity at all costs.

One way to do so is to conduct an Enterprise Risk Assessment. If you've not done this, or even if you have but want to learn about how others conduct the exercise, then make plans to join us Tuesday, April 26, 2016 when Gina Cochran of Kerber, Eck & Braeckel will walk through assessing risks of financial internal controls and how that process can be expanded to include other areas of your nfp.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Take Control of Internal Controls - Topic for March 22, 2016

Does your nfp have an internal control manual, the compliance of which is tested by outside professionals annually? An investment policy? How about risk management? Does your nfp purchase appropriate levels of insurance coverage? How about a clearly-understood disaster recovery plan? Are staff even aware of the most common forms of fraud?

If you would like guidance on any of these questions, then make plans to join us Tuesday, March 22, 2016 when Jim Rose of Purk & Associates P.C. will present an Internal Control slide show created by the AICPA, followed by a roundtable discussion of the Internal Control and Risk Management areas that most concern your nfp.

The April meeting will feature an expert speaker to address the areas of concern agreed upon at the March 22 roundtable.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Labor Law Roundtable - Topic for January 26, 2016

It is the start of a New Year and with that comes preparation of IRS forms W-2 and 1099MISC, and annual concern that some independent contractors should be employees and some employees might be best classified as independent contractors. Then there is the distinction between employees subject to Wage and Hour laws of the Fair Labor Standards Act. How to determine what employees are eligible for overtime and those who are not? If these and other labor related questions perplex you, then make plans to join us Tuesday, January 26 for a Roundtable discussion on Labor Law. The main questions and issues that emerge from the meeting will be addressed by an expert in this area at the February 23, 2016 meeting.