Monday, August 4, 2014

Top Topics Roundtable - September 23, 2014

This meeting marks the beginning of the 2014-2015 program year. For this program year, we are setting aside the September meeting as a roundtable discussion from which the year's topics will emerge. So please come prepared with topics that interest you from these themes:  IRS 990; FASB/Audit; Technological Advancements; Fundraising; HR, and Finance.

From the discussion at this meeting, we will select four top topics to address at the next eight meetings in a pattern of roundtable meeting first, then expert follow-up next. This improved format will bring the meetings in line with the nfpFMA mission of "Providing a place for not-for-profit financial managers to learn and share latest trends and best practices."

We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd!