Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Preparing for New Credit Card Standards and Chip Technology - Topic for October 27, 2015

Does the mere mention of PCI and EMV send you into a state of panic? Do you stay up at night thinking of how your nfp can stay compliant with credit card processing standards so that it does not become prey to hackers and scams? Even if you did not answer yes to these questions, you'll want to make plans to join us Tuesday, October 27, 2015 when Commerce Bank's Susan Aiello, Sr. VP, Treasury Management, Andy Preuhs, Regional Sales Manager - Merchant Services, and Ashley Roche, Account Executive - Merchant Services, will walk us through the new credit card processing standards and chip technology. We'll learn what makes new card processing more secure and effective, what the new cards will look like, what to do when processing non-EMV cards, and the hardware or software upgrades that are needed for EMV card processing.