Thursday, November 19, 2015

Affordable Care Act in 2015, Get Ready for Reporting Requirements - Topic for December 1, 2015

It is that time of  year!  In addition to preparing for W-2's, 941's, and 1099MISC forms, we also will be responsible for complying with ACA in 2015.
So as 2015 draws to a close, let's take a moment to turn our attention away from sugar plums, hot spiced cider, and everything nice, to meet Tuesday, December 1, when Troy Lindsey of BKD will overview the various 2015 reporting requirements brought on by the Affordable Care Act.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Preparing for New Credit Card Standards and Chip Technology - Topic for October 27, 2015

Does the mere mention of PCI and EMV send you into a state of panic? Do you stay up at night thinking of how your nfp can stay compliant with credit card processing standards so that it does not become prey to hackers and scams? Even if you did not answer yes to these questions, you'll want to make plans to join us Tuesday, October 27, 2015 when Commerce Bank's Susan Aiello, Sr. VP, Treasury Management, Andy Preuhs, Regional Sales Manager - Merchant Services, and Ashley Roche, Account Executive - Merchant Services, will walk us through the new credit card processing standards and chip technology. We'll learn what makes new card processing more secure and effective, what the new cards will look like, what to do when processing non-EMV cards, and the hardware or software upgrades that are needed for EMV card processing. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Top Topics Roundtable - September 22, 2015

Make plans to join us Tuesday, September 22, 2015 for a discussion about the challenges you face in your work as finance managers. We will take the themes that emerge from the meeting to develop the four primary topics for the 2015-2016 program year. Please come prepared to discuss any issues or questions you've encountered in your job that relates to IRS990 form and other IRS Regulations; FASB and Audit-related changes, Technology and IT issues, Finance matters, including risk management, and Professional/Leadership Development. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

IT Cost Benefit Analysis - Topic for June 23, 2015

Many times IT decisions and planning falls to the Finance Department. When that happens, do you wish you had more information to determine whether hardware and software purchases will even outlast their useful lives in the fast changing IT world? If so, make plans to join us Tuesday, June 23, 2015 when Ryan Mortland, CEO of MB Technology Solutions will present a comparison of on-site IT solutions vs. those in the Cloud.

This meeting is the final meeting of the 2014-2015 year.  The next meeting will be the Top Topics roundtable, September 22, 2015.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Technology Roundtable - Topic for May 26, 2015

Worried that the accounting software program you use will no longer be supported in coming years? And that if you do upgrade, it won't support the only printer that's ever worked free of jams? Staying up nights concerned that your agency is not equipped to take advantage of technological efficiencies? Spending too much time creating tickets with the IT vendor for issues that seem to continually slow you down?  Hardware, software, web browser, email, bank, credit card, and web site compatibility or lack thereof, exacts a price on our work. Therefore, make plans to join us Tuesday, May 26, 2015 when our Summer Roundtable will gather to discuss all the ways technology affects our work.

At meetings end, we will determine the aspect of technology we can most benefit hearing about from an expert in the field. The follow-up meeting in June will feature that topic addressed by a speaker in the field.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Auction item processing technology - Topic for April 28 2015

At the Events discussion roundtable in March, many questions about technology for auction item bidding and processing went unanswered. Therefore make plans to join us this month, when Zach Myers of BidPal will present an overview of auction technology, provide a demonstration of BidPal, and address any other questions about auction item technology you may have.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Event Processing Roundtable - Topic for March 24, 2015

This meeting is the Spring Roundtable and will feature a compare/contrast among members of tools or best practices used for processing event donations. Please come prepared to share software, hardware, volunteer staffing, and paper processing practices your agency uses to manage all the activities related to events. Does your agency enlist the help of outside vendors? Does it use texting for silent auction bidding? Does it allow pre-event auction bidding online? Does your agency use paper and filing boxes? Or does it employ a combination of these?  Let us know!

At the end of our roundtable discussion, we will determine the areas that require follow-up expertise, which will be addressed by a speaker at the April meeting.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Endowments and Donor Designated Funds - Topic for February 24, 2015

This meeting is the Winter follow-up to the Winter Roudtable meeting held in January. During the Winter Roundtable, many questions precolated from discussion of Endowments and Donor Advised Funds. So, for this meeting, Gary Mudd and Steve Rommerskirchen of Kerber, Eck & Braeckel will provide expert follow up to elaborate on aspects of those types of gifts.

Specifically, they will address:
  • How we can differentiate between endowments and donor advised funds?
  • What are the best practices for endowment and donor advised fund policies?
  • How can obsolete endowment spending policies get released when the original donor is no longer in touch with the non profit?
  • How to determine when restrictions on gifts become so narrowly definied as to become non tax deductible.
  • Footnote and 990 implications for endowments and donor advised funds.
  • Best practices for budgeting and goal setting for endowments and donor advised funds