Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Accounting for Endowments - Topic for January 26, 2010

Make plans to join us Tuesday, January 26, 2010, as we kick off the New Year with a meeting devoted to accounting for endowments. We'll learn to distinguish between temporarily restricted and permanently restricted donations, as well as the criteria needed to release the restrictions.

Grant-making Roundtable - What's the Objective?

On Tuesday, December 1, 2009 representatives from two local foundations, the Missouri Foundation for Health and the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis treated nfpFMA members to a lesson on the inside workings of funding decisions.  They stressed these key factors for drafting a strong grant application:
  • Emphasize measurable outcomes (behavioral change over time) over measurable outputs (number served)
  • Provide financial information that reflects financial stablility
  • Request funding for programs that fit into the nfp's core (rather than fringe) strategic plan goals
  • Demonstrate commitment to excellence through a diverse, professional board of trustees
  • Emphasize qualitative data (stories) over quantitative data
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between activities, objectives, and goals