Friday, February 27, 2009

Surviving the Economic Downturn - Topic for March 24, 2009

Since mid-September, many not-for-profits have experienced declining revenue from their investments, from donors who rely on investments for discretionary spending, from local companies who are undergoing downsizing and unable to donate because of it, and from governmental entities that are seeing declining tax receipts. So not-for-profits find themselves confronted with a situation of declining revenues and increasing service requests. What to do? Learn how to cope in these trying times at our next meeting.

On Tuesday, March 24, 2009, Rick Aselage of RubinBrown will speak on the topic "Not-for profits: Operating in Bad Economic Times." Rick will take us through the economic outlook and how that will impact nfp's. From there he'll offer some suggestions and action steps we can take to make the most of a weak economy.

How Healthy is Your Medical-Wellness Benefits Program? - Get Help from your Broker

On Tuesday, February 24, 2009, nfpFMA members heard about a variety of Health Benefits options even small not-for-profits can use. Bill and Barb Heftel of B&H Associates and Bill Maher of MRCT Benefits Plus discussed ways employers can control the cost of medical insurance premiums by using such tools as Health Spending Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts, and Flexible Spending Accounts. The speakers also suggested using online applications so that employees complete one application that in turn populates the carrier applications. Finally, the speakers discussed ways Wellness Plans are addressing the primary factors of healthcare cost: smoking, obesity, lack of physical exercise, and lack of consumerism.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How Healthy is Your Medical-Wellness Benefits Program II - Topic for February 24, 2009

Join us Tuesday, February 24, 2009, when Bill and Barb Heftel of B&H Associates discuss ways to keep health costs in check. This meeting is the second of a two-part series on Health-Wellness. The first meeting in this series was set up to be a round-table discussion on health expense and wellness management concerns, but was cancelled because of a winter storm. Therefore, we have been collecting your thoughts on this topic by email.

Bill and Barb will take up many of the emailed questions and in addition, will offer suggestions we can implement to reduce health care costs and manage wellness plans.

Banking Services for nfp's - There are many choices

On Tuesday, November 25, Susan Aiello, Vice President, Treasury Services of Commerce Bank outlined many of the banking services offered to not-for-profits. From making deposits remotely by scanning and sending, to collecting donations by credit card, paying invoices online, directly depositing payroll, and managing fraud prevention, banks are putting technology to work for us.