Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Be Kind to In-Kind - Topic for May 27, 2008

Ever get confused determining which goods and services your nfp should accept? Uncertain about the proper way to acknowledge the goods and services your nfp has accepted? And then there is the whole question of whether or not to book the gifts, and at what amount.

If you have been faced with any of these challenges, then please join us at our next meeting, Tuesday May 27, when Leslie Wilson of BKD will discuss the confounding and complicated not-for-profit creation: In-Kind contributions.

2007 not-for-profit Salary Survey - Survey Says....!

This afternoon, Greg Works, presented the results of the United Way 2007 not-for-profit Salary Survey. The survey analyzes data collected during 2007 from 10,612 individuals working at 282 nfp agencies in 85 positions. Any St. Louis nfp was welcome to participate and provide compensation data.

The 2007 survey shows that compensation for St. Louis area nfp finance professionals has increased almost 20% from the 2003 survey. Also, more than 75% of St. Louis area nfp's absorb 70% or more of medical insurance premiums for their employees. So it appears that wages and benefits in the St. Louis nfp sector are remaining competitive with the commercial one.

You can view the full study here.